Inn at Laurel Point Hotel Gardens

“To Commit: to pledge (oneself) to a position on an issue or question; express (one’s intention, feeling, etc …)”

Committing to a theme for your wedding is to express your vision through the venue, your décor and it is pledged in the details.

I was able to step away from the Inn at Laurel Point in late August to attend a wedding and was prompted to write. The wedding theme started with a vision of mason jars, candles & lace and turned into a beautiful vintage inspired wedding.

Outdoor Wedding Flowers

Now when it comes to décor and themes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, as it quickly becomes a bad thing. Too much “theme-ing” and you smother your vision and your guests. It is easy to become overwhelmed by magazines, websites, fantastic blogs (present company included), Facebook & Pinterest.

Under commit, and the theme ends up leaving more questions than answers, was that chair supposed to be there? Is the cake meant to look homemade? – There should never be questions.

The trick (and what impresses a Miss who has planned a wedding or two) is finding balance. This wedding for example, committed from the ceremony site, to the reception.

The couple used furniture & window frames creatively. They dined off of mis-matched china and yes the mason jars, candles & lace made the cut.

theme-3 theme-2It was clear to their guests that the vintage theme was the expression of the couple’s original vision and it was perfect.

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