
Designer Wedding Cake
Created initially as a display cake for a wedding show, the aptly named “ruffle cake” created quite a…

Dinner Wine Service Demystified
I’m married to an Italian man so I’ve been to my share of weddings! At pretty much every…

Weddings, Who Pays for What (traditionally)
It never hurts to know what the traditional take on a wedding topic is, before you blow the…

Wedding Planning: Rich Bride, Poor Bride
When it comes to wedding planning maybe you can be more than one or the other… how about…

Committment…to a Wedding Theme
"To Commit: to pledge (oneself) to a position on an issue or question; express (one’s intention, feeling, etc…

Wedding Planning: Money, Religion & Politics
There are a few topics that shouldn’t be discussed in polite conversation – religion, politics and money to…

Buffet or Plated …That is the Question!
I get asked all the time whether an organizer should order buffet or plated options for their meals.…

Top 3 Hotel Wedding Questions
I thought I’d share the top 3 wedding questions that we’ve been asked lately… Question 1: Can we…